Watering Little Sprouts With the Word of God

Hello! And welcome to Little Bible Tunes! Yes, you read that correctly! We write scripture-based songs to help our little ones learn about God in a fun way. And we make videos featuring some of our favorites. We’re so excited to share our Little Bible Tunes! Check out all our songs, videos, blog posts, and our  scripture-based puzzles, word games, and art projects. We hope you have fun exploring our website. Join us as we celebrate the joy of  Watering Little Sprouts with the Word of God!

God’s Word, the Bible, is our Map for life. It leads and directs us where to go. And it keeps us on the narrow path. Singing is such a great way to learn about God and His perfect Way, so sing along and enjoy the fun video.

Stand Up

When we stand up for what is right, we are walking by faith and not by sight. We rely on God’s strength and the power of His might. What a wonderful comfort to not have to rely on ourselves. We rest assured of peace and calm no matter the circumstances. Listen along and hear the courageous stories of people who stood in the face of life and death choices. They all chose God and placed their lives into His hands. Lets be encouraged and follow their example – Stand Up For What Is Right!

In Matthew 5:14-16, Jesus proclaimed, “You are the light of the world.” He explained that light cannot and should not be hidden, but we should let our light shine “that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”

In The Beginning

In the Beginning, God created… time, a seven-day week, and everything we can see, hear, smell, touch, and taste! This song rehearses each day of creation and what God created. Even the Sabbath Day, the very first Sabbath Day, is on this list – #7. Check it out and see how many you remember!

Go To The Ant

Fun and sassy, this Little Bible Tune sings about one of our favorite memory scriptures: Proverbs 6:6 – Go to the ant you sluggard… Find out how to learn from a teeny-tiny insect to be a good worker. Don’t be a sluggard, just Go To The Ant!

O Praise Him Everyone

The Psalms have so many happy, joyful songs that it’s hard not to want to sing and dance just reading them! God created music and apparently, He loves for us to praise Him with our voices and horns and drums and dancing and, and, yea, O PRAISE HIM EVERYONE!!!

Check out our Audio page for the full Playlist. Or jump over to SoundCloud and listen there.

This cute Little Bible Tunes video describes the Day of Pentecost and shows us what this day really means. Just what did that rushing wind sound like? And what did the Holy Spirit feel like? Let your imagination run wild as you watch the storms and fire approach, and the marvelous relief as the Comforter filled them with peace.

This Children’s Bible Song tells the story of the first Feast of Unleavened Bread. The children of Israel had to flee from Egypt and didn’t have time for their dough to rise. The Israelites continued wandering for 40 years until they finally were allowed into the promised land. We still observe God’s Holy Days as He commands, eating the unleavened bread of humility, truth, and sincerity.

Look at those cute little lumps of dough! They look so soft and fluffy! But without leaven, they bake up flat and hard. Now, take those same lumps of dough and add a little yeast. They will rise and become soft, fluffy, beautiful loaves of bread. Not that there’s anything wrong with leavened bread – except during the Days of Unleavened Bread. You see, God designed this festival as part of His plan. He uses leaven to represent sin. So, as we eat unleavened bread during the seven days of this festival, we concentrate on putting sin out of our lives. Because leaven can be just as sneaky as sin, it hides where we least expect it. We check the ingredients in our crackers and cookies and remind ourselves not to mindlessly grab a donut at work, order a Big Mac for lunch, or indulge in a piece of cake for dessert. But more importantly, we earnestly pray for God to help us remove sin from our lives and reveal those sneaky secret sins that hide where we can’t see them. Yes, God’s ways require a lot of work and diligence, but God rewards us richly, both physically and spiritually! So, sing along with us these seven days as we practice Comin’ Out Of Sin!

Holy Day Countdown: PENTECOST

Happy Memories of the Days of Unleavened Bread!

Here at Little Bible Tunes, our lives revolve around God and and His Holy Days as described in Leviticus 23. Now, some may be looking at that countdown and scratching their heads, thinking, where in the world IS Little Bible Tunes? Well, if you go back to the days of Creation, God started the days at sunset, not midnight.  So our countdown reflects when the Holy Days begin in beautiful Canton, Ohio. The sunset time will be a little different depending on where you live, but this will give you a good starting point. For a complete Holy Day Calendar, see this. 

For more about the “Feasts of the LORD” check this out.

Unleavened Bread Creations

Happy Feast of Unleavened Bread! As we prepared for these special days the girls were getting so excited to make Unleavened Bread! They were coming up with all these ideas of shapes and things they wanted to try to make. I think the anticipation was as fun as the real thing!

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Just Gotta Laugh

It was one of those days. One of those exhausted-from-no-sleep-why-did-I-think-I-would-be-good-at-this kind of days. The house was a wreck, the girls were fighting, the baby was personally offended by my attempts to wipe her constantly drippy nose. All my efforts to make peace were met by more silly squabbles. Then it happened.

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Bible Lesson Ideas for Small Children

As with any of the things we do, I like to keep in mind the purpose of it all. I heard this Scripture quoted recently in a helpful podcast about memorization and thought it was the perfect “why” Scripture to keep in mind: “And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent” (John 17:3).  

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The Cookie

Should we trust Jiminy Cricket and “always let our conscience be our guide?” To put it another way, if we don’t feel guilty about an action, does that mean it is right? Of course not, especially with little children. It takes years to learn God’s laws, and God expects us to help our little ones learn obedience.

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Imperfect Parenting

“Dane and Drake”     Ever since my mom asked me to join the blog team, I’ve been struggling with where I will fit in. I’ve

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Pentecost Unscramble
Pentecost Countdown Chain
Pentecost Quiz
Pentecost Word Find

Making Feast chains ranked as one of our kids’ favorites when they were growing up, and I still make them just for the fun and excitement of seeing the days approaching! A friend came up with an excellent project for counting the days to Pentecost. Instead of counting down, she counts up to the Day of Pentecost. She starts with one loop beginning on the Sunday during Unleavened Bread, also known as the Wave Sheaf Offering day, then adds a link each day. To make it even more meaningful, she writes a scripture on each link before she attaches it. See this helpful list of scriptures she used one year. Another friend picked themes for the 7 weeks. So many options to choose from! I like to use colorful paper for the links. One year I even made a template and printed out the scriptures on each link. I would love to share that template if only I could find it. Sorry!

The Ten Plagues Illustrated by Sophia

1 - Bloody Water
2 - Frogs
3 - Lice
4 - Flies
5 - Sick Animals
6 - Boils
7 - Hail
8 - Locusts
9 - Darkness
10 - Death

The Ten Plagues Game

Do you remember the Ten Plagues in order?

Ten Plagues Game Card Completed

WooHoooo! Perfect score for the Ten Plagues Game!
Check it Out!

How to Play the Ten Plagues Game 

  1. Score out eleven sections on card stock or poster board and leave the middle section open, like this or this
  2. Number each section, 1 – 10
  3. Decorate the middle section or write in “The Ten Plagues”
  4. Gather fun items to represent each plague – yogurt covered raisins make yummy hail!
  5. Have your child place the items on the correct plague number

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